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Call us for an appointment: 303 968 0696
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Cachitos Day care is a SAP certified program in preschool, awarded with 3 stars of quality. It is a nursery in the northeast of Denver with over 20 years experience in child care. Cachitos specializes in the care and training of children between 1 and 12 years old, it is the ideal place to learn art: Either visual, scenic or plastic. We firmly believe that teaching through art stimulates creativity, strengthens the personality of children and gives them the necessary tools to face the first stage of school.
At Cachitos Day care we understand the needs of the parents and their roles at work; that’s why, unlike other Daycares we offer extensive opening hours from 5am to 10pm from Monday to Saturday because we know that the parents’ work requires it.
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We shape students with integrity, values and principles that allow fully develop social and cognitive skills required to start elementary education. We encourage bilingual education and we promote social engagement, critical thinking and autonomy.
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Our vision to 5 years is to continue forming and serving children and families seeking to develop dynamics based on the practice of excellent health habits, study and organizational growth.
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Our graduates are happy children, able to socialize harmonically, owners of a kind, loving and caring personality. Students are dedicated and responsible; eager to widely explore their environment in order to take advantage of every experience to enrich their personal structure, strengthen their skills and successfully overcome the challenges of the learning processes.
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